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STDS And Infections

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STDS And Infections

What is Sexually Transmitted Diseases ? ?

STDs or Sexually Transmitted Diseases are diseases or infections that are transmitted from one person to another through sexual contact. There are more than 20 types of STDs that affect both men and women of all ages. In recent years, STDs are found to be more common or increasing due to a couple of reasons, like multiple sexual partners and increased sexual activity from a young age.

  • Types of STDs

    • 1. Diseases or Infections caused by Bacteria : These are usually treated using antibiotics. Some of the common STDs caused by bacteria are:
    • Chancroid : This infection causes open sores in the genital area by attacking the tissues of this area. Doctors usually prescribe antibiotics to treat this condition.
      Chlamydia : It is an infection, if left untreated, can cause pelvic inflammatory disease that could, in turn, result in infertility or ectopic pregnancy. It could also cause trachoma which is a common cause of blindness. In most cases, there are no visible symptoms.
      Gonorrhea : affects the urethra, rectum, throat or cervix. Patients suffering from it exhibit symptoms, like, vaginal discharge or penis and painful urination. Antibiotics may cure the disease even though some strains of Gonorrhoea are resistant to it.
      Granuloma Inguinale : It can cause genital ulcers, which are normally painless.
      Syphilis : It is a condition that can cause arthritis, brain damage, and even blindness. Rash, fever, headache, joint aches and painless genital ulcers are some of the symptoms exhibited by patients suffering from it.

    • 2. Diseases or Infections caused by Virus :
    • Genital Herpes : It has no permanent or complete cure but its frequency and severity can be reduced by treatment. It might lead to aseptic meningitis and increased risk of HIV/AIDS. Patients suffering from it usually experience an eruption of blister-like sores on the genital that persists. It can also be transmitted through birth as well.
      Genital Warts : It is the most common viral STD. It causes small bumps in the genital or anal area. There are various treatments available as well as a vaccination to prevent this disease.
      Hepatitis B : It is a serious liver infection that may lead to liver failure, cancer or cirrhosis. It can also be transmitted through contact with blood. Some symptoms are yellowish eyes and skin, fever and aches. Immunization and treatment are available for it.
      HIV/AIDS : It is a life-threatening condition that damages the immune system. There are no specific symptoms but some include fatigue, sore throats, night sweats, rash, cancers, dementia etc. resulting in death. There is no cure, but medications help in managing the disease.
      Molluscum contagiosum : It is a skin infection that causes lesions. Surgical removal and cryotherapy are some of its treatment methods.

    • 3. Diseases or Infections caused by Protozoan :
    • Trichomoniasis : This condition affects the vagina, urinary tract, and the digestive system. Doctors usually prescribe Antibacterial/antiprotozoal medicines for this type of Sexually Transmitted Disease treatment.

    • 4. Diseases or Infections caused by Fungi : Some of the diseases and infections are listed below. They can be treated using anti-fungal creams.
    • Jock Itch : It is a skin disease that affects the genitals, buttocks or inner thighs.
      Yeast Infection : This can affect the vagina leading to itching, soreness, vaginal discharge and even pain during sex or urination.

    • 5. Diseases caused by Parasites :
    • Pubic lice or crabs : are treated by cream or anti-lice agents.
      Scabies : It is caused by a mite. Some of the symptoms that patients display are severe itching and a reddish rash. It can be treated using creams.

Vaccinations, regular medical check-up and using condoms are some ways to prevent one from STDs.